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GMAT Registration Process

A Complete Guide about GMAT Registration Process

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GMAT Registration Process

Guide For GMAT Registration Process

The process for registration for the GMAT exam is explained below:

  1. The first step is to sign up on where the candidate needs to enter the following information such as first name, last name, email ID, and password. 
  2. The second step is to start the registration process by clicking on the exams tab where the candidate needs to enter the following information: title (Mr, MRS, Ms, Dr), first name, middle name, last name, suffix, and email id. 
  3. The next step is to enter the personal information where the candidate needs to enter the following information: country of residence, address, primary telephone number, mobile telephone number, and correspondence language. The candidate needs to fill in the following demographic information date of birth, gender, country of citizenship, first language, etc. 
  4. The next step is to enter the optional information. The candidate can either add or skip personal information. 
  5. The next step is to verify the profile. After the profile is verified, the GMAT exam is scheduled. For scheduling, the GMAT exam 3 test centers can be selected based on the nearest preferred location. 
  6. The next step is to choose the preferred date and lastly, pay the registration fee for the GMAT exam

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GMAT testing center

Before doing the registration for the GMAT exam, it is important to search for a GMAT test center that is nearest to the preferred location so that the candidate can easily reach the exam location on the day of the test. The GMAT exam can only be given at designated Pearson VUE test centers. In India, the test centers for the GMAT test are located in all states, and in major cities of the country the GMAT test centers are located. The major cities such as Pune, Lucknow, Kolkata, Cochin, Mumbai, New Delhi, and Bangalore have different test centers. Certain steps need to be taken while checking in at the test center. The steps are mentioned below:

  • Present appropriate identification
  • Scanning of palm vein
  • Digital signature which states that you agree to the test taker’s rules and regulations and you have understood them. 
  • Digital photograph 
  • Start with the GMAT exam. 

Register and schedule a GMAT appointment

To register for the GMAT exam the candidate needs to sign up on where the candidate needs to enter their first name, last name, email ID, and password. Then the candidate needs to start the registration process by clicking on the exams tab where the candidate needs to enter their title (Mr, MRS, Ms, Dr), first name, middle name, last name, suffix, and email ID. After that, the candidate needs to enter personal information such as country of residence, address, primary telephone number, mobile telephone number, and correspondence language.

The candidate needs to fill in the following demographic information date of birth, gender, country of citizenship, and first language. After entering the personal information, the candidate gets the option of either skipping or adding some additional information. When all the information is entered the candidate verifies the profile and after the verification is completed the GMAT exam is scheduled. For scheduling, the GMAT exam 3 test centers can be selected based on the nearest preferred location that the candidate can reach easily on the test day. 

Book Your GMAT Appointment!

Testing center tips for the GMAT Test today

The tips for the GMAT test day in the test center are that very strict rules and agreements are followed so the candidate must know all of them. It is suggested to the candidate to bring certain things to the test center such as a valid GMAT-approved photo ID (passport is mandatory), an appointment confirmation letter or email, and a water bottle. It is also recommended to bring some snacks and energy drinks to the test center to have them during the lunch breaks.

The candidate is suggested not to bring knives, blank sheets of paper, notes, stopwatches, study material, etc. The most important tip for the test day is to reach the test center 30 min before the test is ideal for completing the formalities. Do not arrive late and if the candidate is arriving late by more than 15 min then the exam can be cancelled. Another important tip is to always start with the one that is the candidate’s strength. 

GMAT Registration checklist

To register for the GMAT test, the candidate is required to fill in the personal information, demographic information, email ID, and DOB correctly and verify the profile, schedule the test centers, and preferred date, and pay the registration fees accurately and on time. All this needs to be checked while registering for the GMAT test.

When Can You Register For The GMAT?

The candidates can register for the GMAT exam anytime between 6 months and 24 hours before the GMAT exam date. Although getting a GMAT slot is very not always easy it is recommended to register for the GMAT exam 2023-24 at least 3 months before the planned test date.

Days we can register for GMAT

The candidate can register for the GMAT test any day and 24 hours a day. The candidate should try to register at least 2 to 3 months in advance of tentative test dates to get a preferred slot. 

Don't Wait, Register for the GMAT!

How Do You Know When You Are Ready To Register For The GMAT?

When the candidate is scoring good that is scoring in the target score range on the practice GMAT test then it can be said that the candidate is ready to register for GMAT. When the GMAT score bounces around every time while taking a practice test that is if the candidate is getting 700 in one week, and 560 in the next then it can be said that the candidate is not quite ready to take the real GMAT test.

So, in that situation, the candidate is suggested to spend some time refining the techniques and should focus on the problem areas. Thus, when the candidate has taken various computer adaptive GMAT practice tests and he/she feels satisfied with the scores received in the practice test then the candidate is ready to register for the GMAT.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can register for the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) exam online through the official website of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), which is the organization that administers the exam. Here are the steps to register for the GMAT:

  • Go to the official GMAT website at
  • Click on the "Register" button at the top of the page.
  • Create an account with GMAC by providing your details, such as name, address, email address, and phone number.
  • Choose your preferred test center, test date, and time slot.
  • Make the payment for the exam fee using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal.
  • Review your registration details and confirm your registration.

Student Admission Service Reviews

  • Beyond GMAT:'s Test Prep Range

    Extends beyond GMAT support, offering a range of test preparation services. From the GRE to the SAT, their expertise covers all major exams, making them a reliable resource for test-takers.

    Pawan, Noida
  • GMAT Test Day: Preparedness Pays Off

    Thanks to, I approached my GMAT test day with confidence. Their tips on what to bring and arrival time ensured a stress-free start to the exam.

    Sachin, Vaishali, India
  • Optimal Timing for GMAT Registration

    Advice on registration timing proved invaluable. Registering three months in advance as suggested ensured I secured my preferred test date without stress.

    Seema, Bihar
  • GMAT Registration Checklist: A Lifesaver

    A comprehensive registration checklist ensured I didn't overlook any crucial steps. From personal details to payment, their guidance made the process error-free.

    Gungun, Gujrat
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